4 Simple steps to Improve your sex life

4 Simple steps to Improve your sex life Every couple in a serious relationship strives to find ways to improve their sex life. The whole effort here needs to be fostered by both the partners to the point where pleasure and health are given significance and considered  by both the partners. While the sexual life… Continue reading 4 Simple steps to Improve your sex life

Contraceptive pills: A road to pleasure or an invitation to pain?

Young woman holding condom and contraceptive pills prevent pregnancy

Contraceptive pills: A road to pleasure or an invitation to pain?   We have never been more sexually aware than in the present day. The inclusion of sex education in the curriculum at the various institutions has made this easy apart from certain Government initiatives. This has made sex safer and more fun. Two of… Continue reading Contraceptive pills: A road to pleasure or an invitation to pain?

10 Good reasons to seek relationship counseling

10 Good reasons to seek relationship counselling We all go through a little difference in a relationship. But when those differences turn into detachment and toxicity, that’s when you know something’s going wrong in your relationship. So, being suggested relationship therapy or couples counselling doesn’t seem a bad idea. But how would we know, when… Continue reading 10 Good reasons to seek relationship counseling

The Connection Between Emotional Intimacy and Sexual Intimacy

The Connection Between Emotional Intimacy and Sexual Intimacy Emotional intimacy and sexual intimacy are two interwoven facets of human relationships that play pivotal roles in fostering deep connections and satisfaction. Understanding the delicate interplay between emotional and sexual intimacy is essential for cultivating fulfilling and lasting connections with our partners. What is Emotional Intimacy? Emotional… Continue reading The Connection Between Emotional Intimacy and Sexual Intimacy

The Importance of Consent in a Relationship

The Importance of consent in a relationship Recognizing and respecting the importance of consent in a relationship is paramount for fostering healthy and respectful interactions between partners. The media has been one of India’s greatest cultural assets. But, to date the industry has not been able to grasp the concept of consent, thus churning out… Continue reading The Importance of Consent in a Relationship