By Anita Shyam

Is watching Porn bad for sexual health?

Pornography has a lot of assumptions and negative annotations associated. Watching Porn is harmful for your sexual health, might as well be one of them, however if the individual viewing it has their urge to consume pornography under their control, it shall not be regarded as harmful. It is extremely normal for teens to watch porn out of curiosity and, of course, as a part of exploration and experimentation. Whereas, grown-ups watch porn for to quench their sexual urges, or masturbation and various reasons. It has been studied that watching porn can help adult individuals or couples facing sexual challenges.

However, it can create pressure and unrealistic expectations. We often forget that porn artists are doing their job, and their acts are scripted, with a director guiding them what to do. Real life sexual engagement however, is completely different, there are emotions involved, need of consent to explore and experiment with a partner and of course management of sexual dysfunction for mutual pleasure, if any.

What we need to consider is, if viewing porn is hurtful for the partner, or the urge to view is uncontrollable, then pondering upon what’s been wrong is necessary.  If one spends too much time watching Porn and it disrupts daily life, like being unable to study or finish work, it might be porn addiction. There are ways to  manage these urges however seeking professional guidance can help one stay on track and avoid resurfacing of those urges.

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